Available in 1KG and 3.5KG spools and in several colors, ASA has unique properties for many industries that want to 3D print functional parts or prototypes. Although it is more difficult to print than PLA, ASA is a popular alternative material for ABS due to its resistance to UV & Outdoor degradation along high temperature resistance (105C). It is opaque, offers smooth and semi gloss surfaces and can be welded by chemical processes using acetone.
ASA has a printing temperature of 240-260C. The use of a heated build plate between 90 and 115°C is mandatory to obtain good quality prints. A 3D printer with a heated enclosure is preferable because ASA performs best in a hot environment without drafts. ASA should be dried at 80C for a minimum of 6 hours for best performance if left out.
All of our ASA products are made with Prime grade virgin resin and premium colorants. We produce our filament in Indiana USA with state of the art industrial extrusion and laser based quality control equipment for trouble free and excellent looking & strong prints.